... to the only recognized fanlisting for the book The Perfect Storm and the movie based on it.
In the autumn of 1991, the Andrea Gail fishing boat left her home port and headed to the fishing grounds of the North Atlantic. Two weeks later, an event took place that had never occurred in recorded history.
It was a tempest created by so rare a combination of factors that meteorologists called it "the perfect storm." The book, and the subsequent movie based on it, recreate in rich and absorbing detail the last moments of the Andrea Gail as well as the dangerous high-seas rescues of other victims of the brutal weather. Like a Greek drama, The Perfect Storm builds slowly and inexorably to its tragic and unforgettable climax.
Read the first chapter of the terrific book, or read more about the book, the movie, and the Perfect Storm foundation.
The fanlisting is listed with the Fanlistings Network, the web's largest directory of fanlistings, and at the Book Listings. It is maintained by Tehomet since March 2006. Please navigate the site using the menu above, and if you like, join the fanlisting!
Member Stats
Members: 35
Last updated: Wednesday the 15th of January 2025. No new members have joined since the last update.
Owned and maintainer: Tehomet
Previous owner: Vix
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