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About the book
I picked up a copy of The Perfect Storm because the title appealed to me. Although I've been a bookworm since I was two, and many times I've read of books being 'undownputable', this was the first time I've ever found it almost physically painful to tear myself away from reading. The book is very well written, gets a lot of fascinating information across, and as the storm builds, so does the tension. The Perfect Storm is a terrific book, and I mean that in both senses -- wonderful and terrifying. Read the first chapter to see what I mean.
About the movie
Although I love movies, I was a bit irked when I heard that the book was due to be filmed. Generally when a book is filmed, the resulting movie is a bit disappointing for fans of the original, although there are honourable exceptions, such as The English Patient, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Smilla's Sense of Snow. But when I eventually went to see the flick, I found it a worthy, well crafted and gripping experience. I particularly liked how Hollywood stars George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg actually looked like real fishermen, and how well the supporting characters were portrayed. So I am a fan of the movie too.
Read an excerpt
Read the first chapter of The Perfect Storm.Links
The official movie website has oodles of information on the book and the movie, the storm's effects, rescues mounted during the storm, Gloucester and the fishing life, and more. Of special interest are the extensive multimedia sections, including trailers and clips from the movie, a documentary photograph section, satellite photos of the storm, amateur videos taken from the shore during the worst of the weather, and a chilling little flash animation showing exactly how big the waves were out at sea during the storm. Scary stuff.
While writing his international bestseller, The Perfect Storm, Sebastian Junger developed tremendous respect for the fisher folk of Gloucester. With the success of the book, Sebastian wanted to give their children the kinds of opportunities he experienced growing up that made it possible for him to write The Perfect Storm. The hardships of the job, the skill and rugged commitment of those who make their living on the sea, inspired author Sebastian Junger to establish The Perfect Storm Foundation. The site includes Sebastian Junger's article on the how his book was made into a movie.
Amazon.com's entry for the book.
The Internet Movie Database's entry for the movie.
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This fanlisting was opened by Vix, who kindly allowed me to adopt it in March 2006. She also designed and donated most of the codes.
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