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About RayK
Stanley Raymond Kowalski is a fictional character on the TV show Due South. He is an undercover cop from Chicago. He prefers to be called Ray; in fandom, he is called RayK. As a character, he's impulsive, whip-smart but physical rather than cerebral, and prone to bending the rules on occasion. But he's at heart a good guy. And a good cop: he's won several citations for bravery. His career might be going smoothly but his private life? Not so much.
Post divorce from his high-school sweetheart, RayK desperately wants to start over. So when Ray Vecchio is sent on a deep undercover assignment with the Mob, RayK assumes his identity in order to protect his cover. But it turns out that it's not that easy to leave the past behind.
RayK finds that his situation is complicated by the history of the man he is impersonating, including Vecchio's large, affectionate family. Thinking he was starting a new life, RayK soon finds himself saddled with all the errors and omissions of Ray Vecchio's past. As old criminals and cases come back to haunt him, Fraser is there, helping clear his friend's good name. As they risk life and limb together, like it or not, RayK finds himself at the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
The Chicago flatfoot with the experimental hair is intriguing. Although he's a cop, a symbol of authority, and his multiple citations for bravery prove that he is willing to put his life on the line to protect the public; and yet he'll (threaten to) kick a suspect in the head to get a confession out of him.
I love how he seems like such a sensitive guy with his love of dancing, his vanity (the bleached hair, the tattoo, the silver bracelet, the way he hardly ever wears his glasses despite the fact he's blind as a bat), and his heartbreak over the end of his marriage. Yet he's such a maniac with his propensity for violence ("I will beat you to death with this empty gun!"), and the fancy car, not to mention his willingness to go explore the frozen North with Fraser. He's fascinating. And hot! :)
Send me your thoughts on RayK and I'll add them here!
William and Elyse's DS site is IMHO the best introduction to Due South available on the internet. See their comprehensive character sketch page, or Loryn's Due South shrine, for more detailed views of the life and times of RayK.
Trinityslash This excellent site has a great archive of Due South episode transcripts, as well as some fine slash fiction.
The Due South Fiction Archive The show is over but it lives on in fanfiction, which you can find here by the truckload on this lovingly maintained archive. It's been archiving for over a decade, which is like a century in internet years, and it accepts Due South fanfiction of every stripe: gen, slash, het, and both Rays. :)
Yet Another Little Due South Site Janice's fun site has, in addition to her fanfiction, oodles of artwork, screencaps, a Mary Sue Generator, and links to DS-related sites.
Tara LJC's Due South page Good for general background on the series, and has an useful links page.
The Original Callum Keith Rennie Page For information on the actor who played RayK. He can currently be seen in Battlestar Galactica.
The Due South fanlisting
The Benton Fraser fanlisting
The Mountie on the Bounty fanlisting
The Call of the Wild fanlisting
The Dief fanlisting
The Callum Keith Rennie fanlisting
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About The Site
Wildcard! is the only fanlisting for the character Ray Kowalski listed at the Fanlistings Network. The site was originally opened by Amy, who was kind enough to allow me to adopt it in January 2006. If you haven't come across a site of this type before, a fanlisting is a place for all fans of a particular author, movie, book, etc. to connect. To my mind, it's a great excuse to build a little tribute site. :) There are over 50,000 fanlistings in existence and the number is growing every day. Some are simple fanlistings and some are part of a much bigger website. Find out more about the fanlistings phenomenon at the Fanlistings Network.
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