About The Replacement Killers
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About The Replacement Killers
More information coming soon, but in the meantime, here's the IMDB.com page for the movie, with cast list, plot summary, trailer, goofs, and trivia.
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About This Site
This site is the recognized fanlisting for the movie The Replacement Killers. It was opened in February 2007, by me. A fanlisting is simply a place for all fans of a particular subject to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are fans of that subject. To my mind, it's a great excuse to build a little tribute to a favourite movie. :)
There are over 50,000 fanlistings in existence and the number is growing all the time. Some are simple fanlistings and some are part of a much bigger website. Find out more about the fanlistings phenomenon at the Fanlistings Network. If you have any questions or comments, drop me a line. To see what other projects I am interested in, go to my domain. Thank you for visiting.