The One Where List
Please note that this page contains NC-17 slash and so is unsuitable for underage readers. Please go back now, or head elsewhere.
Author's Notes & Warnings
The thing is, this list was always intended to be private.
I started reading Sentinel stories last year, and there were so many of them that I couldn't keep track of which one was which. I'd spend days searching for that story where they lock up the loft and cuddle on the couch. Or, the one where Jim says, "Don't look at me." Or, Jim's dad sends a toaster.
So I started keeping this list to help me remember which bits came from where. And I put it on the web so I could access it from anywhere. And I made sure none of my other pages linked to it, so that search engines wouldn't find it and it would stay private. Privacy was important to me for three reasons:
- I hadn't asked any authors for permission to link to their stories.
- Within the summaries, I might have said something to hurt an author's feelings.
- Some of the summaries are complete and total spoilers. Spoilers so bad they could render the story ineffective.
But the page got out. I think what happened is that some other page owner was looking at statistics and noticed my page linking to her page, and followed the link back to see what my page was about. And maybe told a friend. I don't know. In any case, suddenly Helen's page had a link to my page, and I panicked. Because it was supposed to be private, right?
But then I thought more about it, and figured, apparently people are enjoying the page, or at least finding it useful, so I don't want to take it away. I'll just add an explanation, and a huge spoiler warning. So here's the bottom line:
- Major, major spoilers.
- If you are a writer and want links to your stories pulled from this page, write me at geoffrey2@home.com and I'll do it immediately. I'm not active in Sentinel fandom, not on any mailing lists, and I don't know the personalities, so I don't know who's likely to object.
- This list is old. I don't keep it current. I only made it halfway through the alphabet before I stopped. Many links point to the 307 archive because 852 Prospect was down at the time, and some of these links don't work. I don't plan to fix them.
- The TSStoryfinders mailing list has pretty much eliminated the need for this list. Hooray!
Regards, -- Geoffrey
The List
Subject by Alleycat
...Blair asks Jim if he can suck Jim's cock as
an experiment, because his girlfriend says it's not fair that men don't
understand what they ask women to do.
The Healer
by Alyjude
...Lots of people die and Blair regresses to 5 years old and
helps everyone deal with their grief.
by Anna
...Jim spanks Blair and Blair gets off on it.
Charm by
...Blair is worried about how intimate he and Jim have become
so he goes to Paraguay for a week, and the separation is hard for both of them,
and Blair is disturbed to discover that Sentinels are addicted to their Guides,
but Jim just thinks it's right, and they become lovers after Jim kisses Blair
when Blair is nervous about presenting his dissertation.
Religion part
1 by Anonymous
...Blair is overworked and stressed and having bad
dreams, and Jim and Blair are intimately close since Blair's resurrection, and
Blair takes peyote to find the truth, and tells Jim that if he stays with him
he'll know Blair's secrets by morning.
Religion part
2 by Anonymous
...Blair and Jim are talk to animals while influenced
by peyote, and Blair can't help Jim with the case he's investigating until the
night of the equinox when he turns into a wolf and saves Jim's life, and
throughout the story they kiss and touch each other for comfort.
Thing by Anonymous
...Blair talks to Simon about his drowning, and
goes to the ocean to prove to himself he can handle the water, and then goes
home to an evening of comfort with Jim.
Fruit of the Vine by
...Blair guides Jim to get off on strawberries. Jim reaches a
point where he doesn't need Blair to do anything but love him.
Creatures by Aristide
...Jim is treating a wound on Blair's thigh
and sees that Blair is aroused. On the couch, Jim says don't look at me, and
then says look at me.
Out of Whack by
Aristide and Bone
...Blair is oversexed and tired of using women, so Jim
volunteers himself and they have loads of incredible sex including the best TS
rimming scene ever.
The Dragon by
Aristide and Mairead Triste
...Blair looks down through the skylight and
sees Jim fucking a demon in Blair's body and in the end they kill the demon with
salt and cut off its head.
To Do List by Aubrey
...After his press conference, Blair makes a list of things to do
in preparation for leaving town, and Jim finds the list and changes it because
he doesn't want Blair to leave.
No Islands
Any More by Betsy Tacy Ray-Kelly
...Blair is raped while Jim watches
and has flashbacks during which he chants poetry and tries to seduce Jim and
they have joint therapy sessions and cruel arguments and Blair's fantasy of
being fucked as a virgin is ruined and Jim kills all the rapists.
by Brighid
...Blair has been to a friend's funeral and later that night
he's crying and Jim orders him to get in bed with him, and makes love to him.
Imagine My
Surprise by Brighid
...Blair hasn't told Jim he's lost his teaching
fellowship and his office, and he's doubting himself and his position in Jim's
life, and crying in the night, and when Jim finds out he comforts him and tells
him he loves him and makes Blair happy.
by Brighid
...Blair and Jim watch X-Files and talk about M/K subtext,
and Jim thinks about it and realizes he and Blair have subtext too.
Thorns by
...In one universe Blair bonds with a masked beast-man living in
a house with a library and invisible servants, surrounded by a hedge of thorns,
while in another universe Jim is trying to resuscitate Blair beside the
The Tears of
Hlin by Cerise
...Jim remembers the sex ritual his football team
followed before and after games, and the story's written in second person
Blame by
...Blair's falling asleep on the floor in front of the sofa,
and Jim invites him up to lie on the couch with him, and Blair tells Jim you
adore me.
by Charlemagne
...Blair's about to be kissed by Jim, and the events
leading to the kiss (Jim reading the dissertation and questioning its content)
flash through his mind.
No Rest by
...Blair spills juice in his bed so he goes to sleep in
Jim's, and Jim finds him there and Blair's embarrassed but Jim, knowing he's
tired, makes him stay, and Blair says this is different.
Rest by
...Jim has bad dreams and starts sleeping in Blair's bed,
with or without Blair, and Blair wakes up one morning to Jim's kisses and
figures Jim must be dreaming he's a girl.
In the Name of
the Father by CKC
...Blair's breath brings Jim out of a zone and
becomes part of a new ritual, and they go back to the monastery, and the monk
who was played by Garett Maggart's father turns out to be Blair's real father.
Style by
Cori Lannam
...A publicity article about Blair includes a photo of him
and Jim together in the loft, and the caption labels them lovers, and they think
it's a nice picture and realize they do love each other.
Seeing And
Hearing With The Heart by Deana C Jamroz
...Things are awkward after
the dissertation mess, and Jim is held hostage by a teacher but he can hear
Blair telling him to handle the teacher like he would handle Blair, and when Jim
is released he finds Blair and kisses him.
Self Image by Debra Fran
...Jim and Blair go undercover as high school teachers to find out
who's been beating up boys rumored to be gay, and find themselves the subject of
About Trust by Deirdre
...Blair wakes up in Jim's bed and freaks
out, but Jim's okay with it because he's always been bi, and they talk and then
fuck some more, and Blair is going away for eight weeks but when he comes back
they'll resume.
Paper Cranes by
...Jim distances himself from Blair because he's having erotic
thoughts about him, so Blair thinks Jim's angry, and Blair folds paper cranes
while wishing Jim would love him, and then confesses his wish to Jim.
Tan Lines by
...Blair's naked on the roof getting a tan, and Jim comes up and
watches him, then touches him, and Blair's okay with it and they have sex.
Study Session by Deirdre
...Jim makes a move while Blair is
studying, and Blair is shocked but they go upstairs and have sex, and then come
downstairs and talk about whether it's a genetic Sentinel-Guide thing.
Detour by
Emily Brunson
...Jim doesn't come to Blair for help with his senses
until months later than in the show, and he's escaped from the psychiatric
hospital and living on the street, and Blair hides him from Carolyn and Simon,
and there's a hearing where they have to prove to the judge that Jim's abilities
are real and he's not deluded.
The Longest Walk
by Emily Brunson
...Jim is seriously injured and has to go through
intensive physical therapy, and he has vicious tantrums that are a new kind of
zone out, and he keeps a journal (I think).
Surveillance by Fire
...Blair uses astral travelling to watch Jim from across town and
discovers that Jim gets off on touching him, so he tells Jim not to touch him
any more until he realizes Jim loves him.
The Word by
Fire Frog
...Blair tells Jim to just say the word if he wants him, and
years later Jim finally does.
Bother by
...Blair is touched that an old friend bothered to send him a
postcard, and Jim starts thinking about how alone Blair must be believing that
no one cares about him, and Jim goes to Blair and hugs him and says he'll bother
to care.
Dork by
...Blair cuts his hair and gives up his cool clothes and
jewelry and women, and Jim adjusts to the change, and they put almost matching
jewelry on each other.
Sequence by Francesca
...Blair dreams Jim invites him to fuck the
woman in Jim's bed, and then dreams that Jim invites him into bed when no woman
is present.
Go by Francesca
...Jim kicks Blair out of the loft and later Blair realizes he's also
been kicked out of Jim's life, so Blair goes back to the loft and finds a letter
and Jim lying on the floor and he brings Jim out of the zone and tells him he
loves him.
Going by
...Jim admits he faked losing his senses to see if Blair cared
for *him*, not just the *Sentinel*, and they have frantic make-out sex.
Gone by
...Jim fakes losing his senses and Blair gets upset because
now he has no excuse to touch Jim, but Jim tells him he never needed an excuse.
I Had A
Dream by Francesca
...Blair dreams of himself and Jim as lonely
older men and doesn't like it so he goes upstairs and pushes his way into Jim's
Love You by Francesca
...Blair tells Jim he loves him while Jim is
in the bathroom unclogging the drain, and then they have shower sex.
In-House by
...Blair realizes he should have known better than to let Jim
evict him, and he gives Jim an ultimatum: will Jim have Blair, or someone else?
Keyhole by
...Jim pays Mark for sex and pretends Mark is Blair. Blair
finds out and pays Mark for sex to see if he can make it with a man.
Legacy by
...Blair's grandmother leaves him her money to spite him.
by Francesca
...Blair doesn't understand the state of his life, and
freaks out, and Jim blows him, and explains that Blair is where he is because
there is love between them.
Mia by Francesca
...Blair likes Mia, and Jim fucks her because he can't help himself, and
Blair gets angry, and Jim realizes he fucked her because she smelled like Blair.
On by Francesca
...Carolyn is getting married and Jim is upset
because she's moved on, and he goes to Blair for comfort.
Nature Vs.
Culture by Francesca
...Blair comes on to Jim who responds at first,
then punches Blair, and Blair runs away and his appendix bursts and in the
hospital they discover that Jim can heal Blair.
Boundaries by Francesca
...Jim and Blair have been separated for
three nights and neither has slept, and Blair is freaked out because they're
shopping for real estate, and they rescue a kidnapped kid, and go home and fuck
before they finally sleep.
Breakdowns by Francesca
...Jim can't sleep so Blair lies on top of
him and zones him to sleep, and they work on Blair's Corvair, and a girl and her
boyfriend stage her kidnapping and Blair can't push the boy, and Blair doesn't
want to go home so they go to a motel, and Jim says if it's running, it's right.
Celebrations by Francesca
...Blair gets beat up right before cop
graduation and Jim senses it across town, and Blair hates his uniform, and Jim
decorates Blair with leather jewelry.
Fireworks: A 4th of July Story by Francesca
...Jim talks to Simon
about Blair and sex and telepathy while Blair plays softball, and the guys leave
early because the fireworks bother Jim, and they have sex in the bathroom.
Momentum by Francesca
...Blair's angry and pushing the world, and he
passes out in the parking garage, and Jim drives him to their cabin and does
this ritual that sends Blair through a spirit journey, and Jim carves a symbol
on Blair's chest.
Outing by Francesca
...Carolyn shows up at the holiday softball game
and speaks meanly to Jim and Blair, and the guys have sex in the men's room.
Relations by Francesca
...Jim and Blair tell Naomi about their
relationship, and Simon warns Jim that Blair is therapy-proof, and Jim's dad
hears that Jim has taken that boy to his bed.
Return by Francesca
...Blair reads obsessively for weeks, and
abstains from sex, and at the end of this he's desperate to fuck Jim, and after
that he offers to let Jim fuck his hair.
Reversals by Francesca
...Blair interrupts a rape and kills the
rapist, and Jim meanwhile is in a fight at the station, and afterwards the guys
drive to the mountains to escape from Naomi, and they paint each other with
ashes and talk about what to say to Naomi.
Sacrifices by Francesca
...The guys host a poker game and Blair and
Simon are secretly getting Blair an official job and Megan likes girls and Blair
submits a dissertation on himself, not on Jim.
Strategies by Francesca
...Mid-sex they argue about the World Series
to keep Blair from coming, and they find a cabin to buy that's strategically
situated, and Jim fights bad guys and inhales a drug and wakes up in the
hospital four days later with his dad and Blair.
Surprises by Francesca
...Blair's students are passing because of
the Guide voice, and Blair talks bad guys into laying down their guns, and Blair
can sense Jim's thoughts and transmit replies to him, and he transmits
'affirmation received' a lot.
Training by Francesca
...Blair hates shooting, and realizes he can
push the bullets to their targets, and later Jim can't say what he wants and
Blair asks if Jim wants to come in his hair.
Trials by Francesca
...Jim replaces Carolyn with Blair as his life
insurance beneficiary and Blair is doing better in cop school and they joke
about things Blair shouldn't say to Jim and Jim is afraid of Blair's desire for
him so Blair becomes persuasive.
Visions by Francesca
...Blair knows something is wrong in the city
and makes Jim drive around with him to figure out what, and no planes are
landing, and there are terrorists in the airport control tower.
Visitations by Francesca
...Jim and Blair visit Jim's dad and Jim
angrily tells his dad about secrets he could hear as a child and then storms
out, and his dad sends them a coffee machine.
Lothario by Francesca
...Jim patches Blair up after a street fight,
and Blair lies about the circumstances of the fight, and later Jim realizes that
the fight must have been outside a gay bar, and Jim recommends the bars he
frequents instead.
Nothing On
by Francesca
...Jim and Blair share some low-pressure guy groping, and
Blair says grow brown with me.
Obfuscator by
...Jim tells lies to all the women who ask him about Blair's
availability, and Blair wonders why he can't get dates any more.
Obfuscator Too
by Francesca
...Blair cheerily throws all Jim's lies about Blair's
perversions and crimes and illnesses and boyfriend Phil right back in Jim's
Photography by
...Blair finds a picture of swimsuited Jim tucked in a book,
and Jim discovers that Blair found it, and then learns that Blair is attracted
to him so he gives Blair the picture, and in the end Blair goes to Jim and
enters the picture.
Push and Pull
by Francesca
...Blair starts deliberately provoking Jim to get mad at
him, and Jim figures out it's because Blair gets turned on by Jim pushing him
Check by Francesca
...Blair questions his sexuality and Jim gives
him books to read and it turns out Jim is gay and they go to San Francisco
Stay by Francesca
...Blair is dying and Jim asks him to stay because he loves him, then
gets mad because he thinks Blair wants to die so he leaves and crashes his truck
on purpose, and later at the hospital he learns that Blair wasn't happy to have
his perfect noble death scenario after all.
Surface and
Depth by Francesca
...Blair breaks up with his boyfriend, and Blair
says he always thought Jim was straight but Jim says he needs to stay away from
binary thinking, and Blair asks Jim to change his mind now, not in the morning.
Tahiti by
...Jim's yelling and Blair kisses him and they're all over
each other and Blair compares the pleasure to the perfection of Tahiti.
Object of My Erections by Francesca
...Jim starts being
uncontrollably aroused by Blair's pheromones.
The Thought That
Counts by Francesca
...Blair asks for a kiss for Christmas and his
birthday, and year by year Jim gets better at it, then Blair says no more and
starts seeing a guy named Chris, and bad guy Brackett returns and kills Chris
and takes Blair hostage.
The Thought That
Counts (Conclusion) by Francesca
...Blair freaks out because he
doesn't feel enough loss over Chris's death, and he leaves Jim and goes to a
hotel, and Jim goes after him and ties him up and carries him home and they make
Videotape by
...Jim watches an old videotape of Blair being coaxed by an
old boyfriend to perform for the camera as if it were his dream lover.
Pretty Boy
by Francesca and Emily Brunson
...Blair sees Jim with a bunch of gay
friends at a private men's club.
Dork by
Francesca and Miriam
...Blair cuts his hair and gives up his cool
clothes and jewelry and women, and Jim adjusts to the change, and they put
almost matching jewelry on each other.
The Sentinel by
Jim Ellison by Francesca and Miriam
...Jim thinks that he's disabled
and Blair is far away until clues in Blair's letter and picture make him realize
his reality is fake, and then he an Blair escape from where they're being held
I'll Show
You the Man by Gillian Middleton
...Steven tells Jim their father
sexually abused him, and Jim is upset because he thought he had protected Steven
from this by letting their father abuse him instead.
Take My Hand
by Gillian Middleton
...Terrorists hijack the plane the guys are on, and
they take Blair up to first class to be raped, and Jim rescues him and they
declare their love.
sharper than a serpent's tooth it is, to have a thankless child by Gloria
...Blair's home alone thinking about how annoying Jim is, and
he doesn't notice that everything he sees is a sign of Jim's consideration and
love for him, and it's funny.
Hurts So
Good by Gloria Lancaster
...Blair has a pulled muscle and Jim
massages it, and later after Jim is in bed Blair goes upstairs and says he's
still tense, and Jim invites him in.
In Vodka
Veritas by Gloria Lancaster
...Jim gets a call for 'someone named
Blessed', and rescues drunk Blair from a party, and at home Blair throws up a
lot, and Jim takes him upstairs to sleep.
Farraday Cage by Gloria Lancaster
...Blair and Jim are recreational
lovers, but Jim's old friend Bulldog (Skinner) comes to town and seeing Jim with
him makes Blair realize that Jim is capable of a more serious relationship.
by Gloria Lancaster
...Blair says the panther would be easier to live
with than Jim, so Jim turns into the panther and gives Blair a blow job.
Unexamined Life by Helen
...Jim embarrasses Blair by pretending to
be his lover, and Blair does the same to Jim at the station, and word gets out
and curious Jim starts dating Matt, and Blair is jealous, but then Matt dumps
Jim and Jim ends up with Blair.
Between Friends by Helen
...Jim gets too close to Blair while practicing handcuffing, and Megan
tells Blair during a stakeout in a van that Jim is hot for him, and later Jim
admits it and they fight and Blair moves out, but for two months they have kinky
fuck dates until Jim says no more, and Jim starts dating another guy until Blair
kicks him out and claims Jim for himself.
Creatures of Habit by
...Jim demands to know what's wrong and Blair says lately he's
been thinking about fucking Jim, and they argue a lot because Blair thinks Jim
would have issues with someone touching his ass, and later Jim wants to get
fucked slow and nasty, and it all started because some male cop casually told
Blair that Jim had been a considerate lover.
Eating at Home by
...Blair and Jim have to make out on an upstairs sofa while
undercover at a club, and Blair talks about wanting approval from the alpha
male, and Blair fucks Jim, and they fuck a lot for a month or so, and then
finally they talk about what they've been doing and what it means, and Jim fucks
Kinds of Things by Helen
...Jim confesses to having a thing for
Blair but won't talk about it further, and he sublimates with running, then one
day begs Blair to act out his sex dream with him, and then they go a while
longer without talking about it until one day Jim admits his thing is still
there and Blair says it's mutual.
Impermeable by Helen
...Jim and Blair kiss while they're suffocating
in a freezer, and thereafter make love twice but decide to stop because they
fight too much, and then Jim kisses Blair before walking into a hostage crisis,
and Blair realizes Jim still wants him bad.
Hard To
Say by Jennifer Lyon
...Blair calls out Jim's name during sex with
Sarah, and later when he tells Jim that he screamed a man's name, Jim confesses
that he himself is bisexual, and Blair wants Jim so they have sex.
What Else Is
a Guide Good For? by Jennifer Lyon
...Jim zones during sex with a
woman, and Blair, who's bi, thinks they should work on this, but Jim is straight
and doesn't want to at first, then agrees it's necessary, then during a
sensitivity session Jim finds himself kissing Blair.
by Josephine Darcy
...Rafe and Brown borrow Blair for a day and he
suffers various dangers and Jim freaks out, and then they go home and Jim
accuses Blair of flirting with him, and they wonder if there's real attraction
between them so they try kissing, and it turns out the attraction is real.
by Josephine Darcy
...Jim thinks about the perfect mate while at Rafe's
engagement party, and realizes Blair is his and starts to think about him
sexually, and learns that men have asked Blair out before, and then he and Blair
come home drunk and start kissing.
The Bond by
Josephine Darcy
...Blair and Jim go to Peru to learn more about the
Sentinel-Guide bond, and learn that their bond needs to be consummated, and Jim
admits he's terrified of Blair leaving him, and they have sex while Blair is
drugged, and they go back to Cascade and Blair goes out with Sharon but it
doesn't work for him; he's only meant for Jim.
Love by Josephine Darcy
...Blair kisses Jim while they're
undercover, and Jim likes it but is afraid of loving Blair, and he confides in
Simon, and loses his spirit guide, and tells Blair he doesn't love him, and
Blair has to choose between real Jim and spirit Jim who loves him.
Last Time
by Julad
...Jim masturbates while listening to Blair do the same, on the
last night before Blair leaves Cascade forever.
And So It Goes by
...Blair talks about moving out but Jim says how much he likes
Blair being there, and they both admit to being bi, and before they have sex
Blair wants to agree on rent payments, but Jim says he should pay Blair, and
Jim's sensitive about having his ass touched but Blair is persuasive.
Sacred Space by
...Blair and Jim lock up the loft and shut out the lights for
their post-trauma cuddling ritual, and the cuddling turns into kissing, and
Blair who's straight consents to sex with Jim who's gay.
The Fifth Sense
by Justine
...Blair and Jim make their peace after Blair's resurrection,
but Jim's subconscious still doesn't believe that Blair is all right, and Blair
realizes it's because only four of his senses have proof, so he kisses Jim and
Jim tastes that Blair's alive.
of Lust by Kalleigh
...Jim and Blair go to a bar with Methos and
Duncan, and Jim is suspicious, and Blair and Methos dance.
A Sweet Year by
...Blair cooks for Rosh Hashanah, and he and Jim start the new
year with their first kiss.
Clarity by
...Blair is a cop after TSbyBS, and he thinks a lot about
rappelling out of a helicopter, and there's going to be a raid down at Fish Row,
but Blair figures out that it's a setup.
To Withstand the
World by Kelyn and Justine
...Blair has changed, and he's angry, and
Jim thinks it's because of the dissertation but Blair says it's not about that,
it's about how they need to treat each other better after Alex and Brad Ventriss
and all, and they commit to doing that.
Whispers by Kim
...Blair makes Jim jerk off out on the balcony.
Admirer by Kim Gasper and Donna
...Jim gets a rose a day during the
week leading up to Valentine's Day, and each comes with a card signed with a
single letter: C, H, I, E....
Identity by
Kit Mason
...Blair is a new detective who goes by BJ, and he thinks the
detectives are spirit bears, and he goes undercover, and he thinks about how
wolves aren't typical spirit animals, and he gets hurt and calls for Jimmy, and
Jim rescues him.
Legs by Kit
...Blair starts making sketches of Jim, and then sketches of
stakeouts and crime scenes, and in the end he presents Jim with the best
sketches he's done of him.
Crisis by Kristine Williams
...Jim dreams he's Blair, Blair coming
home to the loft to find no trace of his own residency plus a Jim who doesn't
recognize him.
by L Bright
...Blair returns from a year in Brazil, and he and Jim feel
sparks when they touch, and one night they almost get together but don't, and
then later they do, and they go to dinner and talk about whether it's a secret
or not.
Real by
Lanning Cook
...Jim comes home to Blair meditating and he thinks Blair
is beautiful, and they talk about the Academy, and Jim says Blair can tell him
anything, so Blair kisses him and is surprised when Jim kisses back.
True Minds by Lanning Cook
...Jim can't tell Blair he loves him, and Blair's student is the wife of
a criminal, and a bad guy is out of jail and wants to kill Jim and rape Blair.
Him Come Or Bid Him Stay by Legion
...Jim moves into the loft where
the ghost of Blair lives.
From One Moment by
...Blair lies on the ground after an explosion, with Jim lying on
top of him and a metal rod driven through Jim's lung.
Keeping In
Touch by Legion
...Jim and Blair are both afraid of homosexuality,
yet both desire each other, but they don't talk about it, and Jim wraps himself
in a blanket that smells like Blair, and Blair moves out of the loft, and Jim
becomes catatonic.
Of Angels and
Demons by Legion
...A demon is raping Jim every night, and Blair
tries to drive it away by getting Jim to focus on him instead.
Quack by Legion
...The detectives are guarding a bigoted celebrity, and Jim and Blair
pretend to be gay just to bother him, and then they start talking about love and
Jim realizes he's in love with Blair.
Renewal by
...Blair leaves his teaching job to visit Jim and finds him to be
Reunion by
...Jim is a sheriff and his senses are gone and he hasn't seen
Blair in three years until he rescues him from an automobile accident, and Blair
stays with him for a few days until he has to go to his new teaching job, and
they become lovers.
The Virtual
Sentinel by N'Wanda
...Blair sits through a virtual reality program
of Jim making love to him, and later Jim runs the same program and learns how
Blair feels about him.
Matter At
Hand by Panther
...Jim is cranky, so Blair fistfucks him.
Happened One Night by Penelope Whistle
...Blair asks if Jim has
hemorrhoids and Jim wishes he didn't live alone and they end up confessing to
each other the five things they could never tell each other.
Salsa by
Penelope Whistle
...Jim tells Blair to quit flirting, and then Jim has
stomach surgery, and disturbing dreams, and Blair volunteers to sleep with Jim
before Jim can ask, and they confess their love but Blair runs away, and Blair
overhears Jim crying, and later Blair comes back and they resolve everything.
Breathe by
...Blair's having an adrenalin rush and Jim leads him through
breathing exercises to calm down, and Blair becomes aroused.
Walls by
...Jim thinks about the walls he's built around himself, and
how Blair doesn't know he's inside the walls with Jim, and Jim hears Blair
crying so he goes down to his room, and Blair invites Jim into his bed.
Waiting by
...Simon tells Blair that Jim has died in a fire, and Carolyn moves
into the loft and kicks Blair out, and Jim surfaces a week later but Blair has
taken off for Peru to tell Jim's spirit that he loves him.
Absolute Power by
Russet McMillan
...An evil sentinel forces Jim to zone out, and Blair
keeps him from killing Jim by using his Guide knowledge to seduce the evil
sentinel's senses.
In the Air by
Sandy K Herrold
...The emergency room doctor thinks Blair is a victim of
domestic violence when actually he got stabbed by a criminal.
Keep on Truckin' by Sugar
& Spice
...Jim and Blair are stuck in a big truck in a snowstorm, so
they try to sleep together in the sleeper and Blair makes a pass at Jim.
Mean Streets by
Sugar & Spice
...Blair gets mad at Jim for defending him in a fight,
and then takes kickboxing lessons and in the next fight he defends himself, and
he and Jim become lovers, and get outed, and Blair teaches self defense and
takes on a challenge from homophobic cops.
Just Once by The Divine
...Jim admits to having unfulfilled dreams, and Blair tells
him life's too short, so Jim kisses him.
Room by The Lady of Shalott
...Jim and Blair are being pursued so
they rent a room and pretend to have sex to dodge their pursuers, only the fake
sex turns into real sex.
by The Lady of Shalott
...Brackett, in the episode Rogue, searches Jim
and Blair for tracking devices, and then forces Blair to fuck Jim.
Deferred by The Lady of Shalott
...Blair puts his dissertation in
the shredder pile because he thinks that's what Jim wants, and he and Jim fight
over it and Blair runs away, and Jim retrieves the dissertation and submits it
for Blair, and they confess their love.
by The Lady of Shalott
...Blair's baking cupcakes and Jim licks the
batter off him and they have frenzied unplanned sex and Jim apologizes, and
Blair thinks Jim is having problems with being gay but really Jim's just afraid
that Blair will leave.
Rhythms by The Lady of Shalott
...Oshun, a Santeria goddess, keeps
forcing Blair and Jim to have sex and wants them to get serious, but they keep
thinking it's a fluke, or just friendship, even though they really like the sex
and Jim really likes being penetrated.
to Talk About by The Lady of Shalott
...Jim tells Blair that people
are gossiping about them, and they both get to thinking, and Jim finds out that
Blair is interested in him so they get together.
Bowl Surprise by The Lady of Shalott
...The detectives get Blair and
Jim drunk and put them in bed together, and later tell them they had sex, and
Blair and Jim don't remember but talking about it makes them decide to try it
again, sober.
by The Lady of Shalott
...Jim and a new detective hate each other
because she's a sentinel too, and naturally drawn to Blair, and Jim's jealous
and seeing the panther and Enqueri, and Jim figures out that Blair needs to fuck
him in order to complete their bond.
2 - New Territory by The Lady of Shalott
...Blair and Jim have hot
sex, and tell the other detective, Angela, that she's a sentinel, and she begins
having sensory problems, and the military wants a functioning sentinel so they
approach Jim, but Angela volunteers instead because one of the military men is a
Things by The Lady of Shalott
...Jim and Blair get marooned in
Jurassic Park and have sex for their first time.
Burning Down by The Lady of Shalott
...Jim's in love with Blair,
who's seeing someone else, so Jim starts drinking, and Blair realizes Jim's
jealous and promises not to leave him, then thinks further and realizes Jim must
be in love with him, so Blair does a trial run masturbating and thinking of Jim
and it's successful, so he tells Jim he wants him.
One of These Nights by Thomas
...Jim listens to Blair masturbating, and Blair knows he listens, and
they get together but then they resist it, and Blair says he's fed up with
second-guessing Jim and Jim says he doesn't know how to say what he feels.
Pushed Too
Far by Wolfling
...Blair pushes Jim to talk about his relationship
with his father, and Jim tells him to back the hell off.
Back by Wolfling
...Blair has agreed not to push his help on Jim,
but it gets to be to much and he finally asks Jim why Jim hasn't asked for his
help, and they admit they love each other.
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