Hail and welcome!
... to the only recognized fanlisting for Asatru. Asatru is a spiritual path. It is one name for the ancient earth-based, indigenous religious traditions of Northern Europe, which involves the deities normally described in Nordic mythology. For more information, head to the About page. :)
The fanlisting is listed with the Fanlistings Network, the web's largest directory of fanlistings, and is maintained by Tehomet since June 2006. Please navigate the site using the menu above, and if you like, join the fanlisting!
Site information
Members: 64
Last updated: Wednesday the 15th of January 2025. No new members have joined since the last update.
Owned and maintained by Tehomet
Established & designed by Cherrii. Many thanks to Cherrii for allowing me to adopt this fanlisting!
Listed at the Fanlistings Network and Tehomet.net
Powered by Bellabuffs!
Please note - Due to a script problem, the Join and Edit forms might not work properly. Sorry. To join the fanlisting or edit your information if you've already joined, please send me an email at tehomet@gmail.com and I'll get straight back to you. Thanks!