You've found Validated! the approved fanlisting for web standards. Web standards are a great tool to ensure your website is coding flaw-free, and looks (somewhat) the same in all browsers and regardless of platform, not to mention being the best way to ensure that people with wacky browsers, unusual devices, or disabilities can access your sites. Check out my guide to achieving good web standards easily.
The fanlisting is listed with the Fanlistings Network, the web's largest directory of fanlistings, and is maintained by Tehomet since February 2006. Please navigate the site using the menu above, and if you like, join the fanlisting!
Members: 115
Last updated: Wednesday the 15th of January 2025. No new members have joined since the last update.
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Please note - Due to a script problem, the Join and Edit forms might not work properly. Sorry. To join the fanlisting or edit your information if you've already joined, please send me an email at tehomet@gmail.com and I'll get straight back to you. Thanks!