Fannish Bookmarks
- The fabulous fanfiction author list. Some authors I personally think are well worth reading. Hasn't been updated in a long while.
- The Newbie's Guide to Fannish Livejournal. Masterlist of fandoms.
- Elements of Phyle. The hilarious and brilliant grammar guide can now be found in a Wayback Machine copy.
- Holy Mother Grammatica. Funny fanfiction writing guide.
- Minotaur. Tips for slash writers.
- Renegade Slash Militia's Essential Links for Slash Readers. Essential!
- Thamiris' Sexed-Up Grammar Guide. The hottest English lesson ever.
- How to write sex scenes by Resonant is even better than the version by Steve Almond.
- Arduinna's Rants & Rambles. Various excellent essays on fannish topics.
- Skaredykat's Stargate Atlantis Fic Readers' Guide
- Fannish Butterfly's Fanfic Peeves.
- Cry's article on Point of View. Useful piece on a little discussed but crucial aspect of writing.
- List of Fan-fiction Kinks, Tropes, and Cliches.
- Writing with Color is a blog devoted to writing and resources centered on issues of racial and ethnic identity.
- How to post fanfiction on livejournal.
- The Interrupter: Blending Action and Dialog Dynamically.
- Letting Punctuation Do Its Job: The Dash, The Ellipse, and a Bit on the Semi-Colon.
- Badfic. How not to write fanfiction.
- Shrift's fabulous Polyamorous Recs
- Smallville Slash fanfiction archive.
- ExWood Due South fanfiction archive.
- Fanfiction Symposium columns and meta.
Robin of Sherwood
- Suzvoy's Lewis pimpage: post one, post two, post three, post four, and a random bit on the adorableness of James Hathaway.
- Very nice picspam by dominique012
- Inspector Lewis comm.
- Lamardeuse's fics, recaps, squee...
- Walk Like A Man by ficslasheuse. PG fluff with the first line: 'Even after six months of baffling happiness, reflected Inspector Lewis, there were times when it was unaccountably difficult to remember that Hathaway was his boyfriend and the light of his life, as opposed to merely his lanky and facetious sergeant.'
- Bandom overview by the cherishable big enabler iamtheenemy.
- The above links to a billion juicy primers and manifestos, including the amazing and hilarious Frank/Gerard manifesto by Bex, which I adore.
- missmollyetc's awesome My Chemical Romance primer
- Dotcoms Refresh. A bandom newsletter. Great resource.
- Hearts Intact. Recs community.
- Steph's bandom recs.
- Luna-K's Frank/Gerard and Pete/Patrick rec lists.
- Panic at the Disco primer
- SN_Slash lj comm
- Wincest lj comm
- SPN Newsletter lj comm
- Sinful Desire archive
- Sam/Dean Archive
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